Here are descriptions of some of the systems we have developed.
qualres, a qualitative research
application. The qualres application is a tool to perform
categorical analysis of textual data.
You can use qualres to create and import text into documents, create
categories, and code text. You can group documents and categories into
sets. Sets can also contain other sets. You can search the documents,
categories, and sets for text, and put the results in a category.
This software is of interest to anyone who performs categorical
research (education, psychology, etc). It is available under GNU GPL,
and is at the alpha stage of development.
Billable Hours System. This database
system enables a company to keep track of billable hours of different
types of service provided, using data entered by the company staff.
The type and hours of service for each client are pre-authorized by
one or more funding sources. The authorizations can be for a maximum
number of hours, or a maximum number of hours per month. The reports
show the hours of service provided by each staff member, to each
client, and various totals.
Palm/PHProject synchronization
scripts. These PHP scripts are part of of a system to
synchronize a PHProject database with a PalmOS database. The scripts
are run by accessing one of several URLs. In this project, a Palm
conduit accessed the URLs.